Commemorating National Indigenous History Month

Every June, we come together to acknowledge and participate in National Indigenous History Month learning and activities in honour of First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities and nations across Turtle Island. It is a time to uplift the brilliance and diversity of Indigenous knowledge systems, healing practices, languages, arts and literature that have been present and thriving on these lands since time immemorial. It is also a time to celebrate the outstanding achievements of many Indigenous trailblazers, activists, leaders and knowledge keepers whose dedication light the way forward.

As many know, Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year (this year falling on June 20) – falls just before National Indigenous People’s Day on June 21. While traditions vary from nation-to-nation, Summer Solstice is a time when many cultures celebrate the beginning of summer. For many First Nations communities, giving thanks for all of creation and Mino Baamodziwin (The Good life) along with Mishoom Giizis, (Granfather Sun) is honoured, celebrated, and feasted. MANY strawberries are to be had, ancestors honoured, Elders and youth doted on, listened to, and made to feel really special. 

More Than Words began as a humble movement a few years ago and has continued to grow as an opportunity to stand in solidarity with Indigenous, Afro-Indigenous, Two-Spirit, and gender diverse community members, aligning with Pride Month.

As Indigenous community members continue to experience ongoing violence and, for far too many, death due to anti-Indigenous racism, meaningful learning and recognition of Indigenous History Month and People’s Day must include More Than Words. We encourage everyone to continue learning about the traditional lands we live on, read the reports and guides available on the GCWP-IH hub (Truth and Reconciliation Report and its 94 calls to action, MMIWG2S Report recommendations and the Indigenous Health Primer and Health Values Statement). 

This June, the GCWP-IH is offering different opportunities to engage with, learn about and support Indigenous communities with action items and ongoing in-person and virtual events.

Three Sisters Indigenous Craft Market
Three Sisters is an Indigenous youth collective/grassroots group who put on affordable markets throughout the GTA. Embedded in community and artists themselves, they ensure all vendors are vetted as authentic and all crafts are Indigenous made, not Indigenous inspired, with 100% of the proceeds going directly to the artists.
When: Tuesday, June 4 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Peter Gilgan Atrium

Tungasavvingat Toronto Inuit Craft Market
In partnership with Tungasavvingat Toronto (T.I. Toronto), GCWP-IH brings this craft fair featuring Inuit artists to WCH. Their mediums are diverse, from jewelry to wall art, with 100% of the proceeds going directly to the artist.
When: Tuesday, June 11 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Peter Gilgan Atrium

Good Minds Book Fair
Indigenous owned and based in Ontario, bookstore will be on-site with a selection of adult fiction and non-fiction, children’s, and health related books, by First Nation, Inuit, and Métis artists.
When: June 19 & 20 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Peter Gilgan Atrium

Join the GCWP-IH at the WCH BBQ were we will have a table with cookies, t-shirts, information and games!

Ways you can help address action items to advance truth and reconciliation:

  1. Visit the On Canada Action Guide 
    Download the Indigenous Ally Toolkit
  2. Write your MP asking:
    1. For clean drinking water for First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities
    2. For TRC calls to action to be honoured as requested 2009: Forensic archaeology investigations on residential school sites

Register here.

Build Awareness of our Indigenous Health Services

Cultural supports are available to support First Nations, Inuit and Métis patients and community members throughout their healthcare journey through the Centre for Wise Practices in Indigenous Health at Women’s College Hospital. This includes access to:

  • The Elder-In-Residence and Traditional Healer
  • Indigenous Peer Support and Relations Advocate, who can join appointments
  • Smudging spaces and traditional medicines

Referrals can be made through Epic. For more information, email