Happy Retirement Paula!

November 20, 2023

Congratulations on your retirement!

Name: Paula Fuller        

Pronouns: she/her        

Title & department: Administrative and Patient Flow Supervisor 4th floor Clinics

On the WCH team for: I have worked at WCH since 1989.


1. What’s your favourite memory from your time at WCH?

I have so many favorite memories, its hard to pinpoint just one. I guess it would be when our new facility was being built and we were provided with the opportunity to take a tour of our area, while it was under construction.

2. What did you enjoy most about your time here?

I have enjoyed working with so many wonderful people and creating lifelong friendships.

3. What are you most excited for in this next chapter?

I am most excited about not having to wake up at 5am and spending time with my family.

4. Do you have any parting words/well wishes for your colleagues and friends at WCH?

Thank you for making my time at WCH so special and rewarding. It has been an honor working with everyone.